Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Really gotta start running

Went to Crossfit again today! And I have a new max back squat, 175 pounds. The rest of the workout was 30 Curtis P's which is a combo of a squat clean, lunges, and a push press, I used 45 pounds and finished in 9:26. After rowing yesterday my hands are looking a little rough. 

Afterwards, I had some cooking to do! I got a recipe kit from Washington's Green Grocer and decided to finally make it. Thai Basil Beef with Coconut Rice, it turned out pretty well, especially because I'm not a big fan of chilies, but they're great in this. Because I don't often cut up chilies I had no idea how much I had to wash my hands before touching my eye, the answer... more. I still don't think they're good after a shower, so probably wearing my glasses tomorrow. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back from the weekend

I know it will be a short week, but going back to work after a long weekend is BRUTAL. But I made it through and then headed to Crossfit. Today's workout was 10 rounds of rowing for 20 calories. I averaged 22 strokes per 20 calories, not too bad. Should have taken a picture of my chalk counting, oh well. Then we practiced Turkish Get Ups, I got up to 25 pounds. My running for the day consisted of running 5 blocks back from the metro in the pouring rain. I think I'm going to start running during work to escape for a little while. That starts Thursday, tomorrow we're playing at a high school electric car competition. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Why I'm here

So, a few months ago my friend Katie was in town, and she was reminiscing about last year's Marine Corps Marathon, during which I was deployed to Iraq. She was debating signing up again this year. I said "I'll do it if you do it." That was about the worst thing I could have said. So, the next week I signed up. Now I need to train for a marathon... I've never run a marathon. A half marathon, about a year and a half ago. This is going to be interesting.