Monday, December 3, 2012

Good Grief

Basically I'm doing horrible with my new rules. But I did go to Crossfit tonight. 
Worked up to 110# 3 rep max push press. 

9 Burpees
5 Hang Cleans
3 Thrusters

6:46 with 65#, I felt like such a BEAST! Probably would have felt better if I hadn't housed half a loaf of bread with olive oil and vinegar beforehand. 

It has been so hard to get motivated to go work out because it is dark so early! Go for a run in the morning and it's dark. Get home from work and plan to go to the gym... and it's dark. It's getting sad, but at least the weather has been nice the past few days and not too cold. I'd be fine if it stayed that way. I am not a fan of snow, or cold, it's AWFUL and makes me wish I had never left San Diego.