Monday, July 23, 2012

Another weekend of epic failure

Well, at least as far as running is concerned. I will blame it on my being a last minute packer. I remember looking at my running shoes and telling myself "Don't forget to pack them." And I did. And I didn't realize it until I was back in Detroit, and considering that I missed my first flight, had I realized it sooner I totally could have gotten them. Oh well, it was a good weekend except for that. And I got to hang out with my cousins for a bit before my flight and didn't have to pay for parking, though I will NEVER drive to BWI again, I will always take the metro and MARC. 

Everyone in my family loves chocolate, yes all of them. 

I headed home for my friend Emily's birthday, she's in town from Switzerland while she waits on some paperwork for a work visa. There was also a first birthday for my friend's baby. It was an adorable party, the theme was "You are my sunshine" and there were lots of suns cut out of paper plates with Maggie's hand prints on them and HUNDREDS of pictures hung on twine with mini clothes pins like streamers all down the walls. There was also tons of great food and I got to hang out with three of my best friends from high school. 

Book that doubles as a birthday card? Yes!

She loved the clothes too. 

We left the party after a few hours because my friend Steph had to work them Emily and I went shopping, that part was pretty phenomenal, we purchased a whole outfit in about an hour from three stores. Emily is basically my personal shopper and the reason I don't just wear Penn State shirts everyday and my huge Casio G-Shock watch everywhere (she had to talk me out of wearing it to prom). I got a dress at Marshalls, some AMAZING sandals at Famous Footwear, and jewelry at JCPenny. A great trip and I wore the outfit out that night and will probably wear it for the rehearsal dinner this Thursday. My favorite purchase was by far the sandals. 
Aren't they cute! [Source]

That night we went out in Royal Oak for Emily's birthday after her dad made us a wonderful dinner. We met up with our friends Ryan and Alexa who she went to school with and I used to hang out with in San Diego, but they just moved to Austin so Ryan can start the MBA program at UT. I was so glad to see them! They had just had dinner with some of their other friends so we all hung out to grab a drink. We started out at a bar called Goodnite Gracie, but it was way too loud for conversation so we went down the street to a seafood restaurant with a good looking bar and hung out there for another couple of hours. I had such a great time and am grateful that I got to spend Emily's birthday with her for the first time in a long time.

Sunday morning I grabbed breakfast with my parents on our way to the airport then headed back south. I hung out with the cousins a bit more then headed home to run... then I may have fallen asleep on the couch. Whoops?

Today was great because I got a call in the morning (while still laying in bed talking myself into getting up) that there was a water main break and to hold off on coming in. They eventually fixed it, but because I already had my computer here they let me work from home. Win. I had another chiro appointment after work and then hit up Crossfit tonight. 

We worked on shoulder press progressions. 
3-3-3 Strict Press - I got up to 75#
2-2-2 Push Press - I got up to 95#
1-1-1-1-1 Push Jerk - I got up to 120#
Pretty proud of myself for all that. I think those are all PRs. 

The MetCon was really fun. Okay maybe not. Two rounds of 200m run with 45# plate (25# for ladies), 200m farmer's carry with as much as you could carry (I did 35# kettle bells each hand), and a 200m sprint. I finished in 8:36 so I was really happy with that as well. 

Now I'm going to hit up the foam roller and get some sleep because I do actually have to go to work tomorrow. 

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